I have been dying to try this since I saw it on Tartlette's blog last week.  She makes the most beautiful desserts and I look forward to attempting many of her creations this summer.

This pudding is made with a layer of creamy vanillla tapioca and topped with a rich chocolate cream with a hint of lime zest.

This was my first attempt at cooking a dessert like this. The tapioca was delicious although I wish I could have found large tapioca pearls for the pudding instead of the small ones.  Making the cremeux was almost terrifying. I boiled the cream with the lime zest to infuse it with yummy citrus flavor and then slowly and carefully tempered the egg yolks. I returned the entire mixture to the pan and stirred like mad, for fear of ending up with scrambled egg or curdled cream.  Well, it thickened alright but when I added the chocolate I noticed a slightly granular texture. Oh no. I hoped it would come together in the refridgerator but when we ate it for dessert I still thought the texture was a little strange.

Fortunately, the Mr. loves it and has devoured all but one! I garnished with a spoonful of sourcream to balance the sweetness and some finely grated chocolate shavings.

Helpful hint: put your chocolate in the freezer for a bit and it will grate much more easily!

Click read more to see the instructions and more photos!!!

Vanilla Tapioca With Milk Chocolate Lime Cremeux: From Tartlette

Makes 6 to 8 depending on your serving dishes.
Note: it is best to prepare this the day before and let the cremeux get a bit firmer in the fridge overnight. Not quite a pudding, not quite a cream but the perfect cousin to both.

For the vanilla tapioca:
1/3 cup (60gr) large tapioca pearls
1 cup (250ml) water
1 cup (250ml) whole milk
1 tablespoon (12gr) sugar
1/2 vanilla bean, seeded

For the milk chocolate lime cremeux:
2 cups (500ml) heavy cream
zest of one lime
5 egg yolks
2 tablespoons (25gr) sugar
4 oz (120gr) good quality milk chocolate, chopped

Prepare the vanilla tapioca:
In a medium bowl, soak the tapioca pearls in the water for an hour. Drain and discard the water. In a large saucepan set over medium heat, bring the tapioca, milk, sugar and vanilla to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer 10-15 minutes or until the tapioca looks translucid. Remove from the heat and place a piece of plastic wrap right on top to prevent a skin from forming as it cools. Once completely cooles, divide the tapioca in between your serving glasses or ramekins.

Prepare the chocolate cremeux:
In a large saucepan set over medium high heat, bring the cream and lime zest to a simmer.
In the meantime, in a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and sugar until pale. Once the cream is hot, slowly pour it over the yolks and sugar, stirring constantly to prevent curddling. Pour this mixture back into the saucepan and cook over medium low heat until thick ( a bit thicker than creme anglaise but more fluid than pastry cream), stirring constantly. Remove from the heat and add the chocolate to the pot. Let stand a couple of minutes then stir until completely smooth and the chocolate is completely incorporated. Let cool to room temperature and divide the mixture evenly on top of the tapioca. Loosely cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until slightly firmer, preferably overnight.

Her whole post can be read at: http://tartelette.blogspot.com/2009/06/recipe-vanilla-tapioca-and-milk.html

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