
I know, I know, it's not cake. But I would also like to include some non dessert courses on my site!
Have I mentioned that I am the luckiest girl in the whole world because I have a boyfriend who not only tolerates tofu but actually enjoys it?! It's wonderful!!!

I'm tagging this as "college cooking" because I am a college student and like to find recipes that are quick, easy, and inexpensive.  This tofu dish gets 5 stars in all categories.

I'm teaching the Mr. to cook this summer and he loves this dish and is confident that he can make it now. He promised to have dinner on the table for me when I get home sometime next week. I'll report back and let you all know how his first solo flight goes!

Click "read more" for instructions on how to make this super tasty dinner!

College Cooking Tofu Stirfry

1 package water packed firm tofu
1 package frozen stir fry vegetables
1 cup frozen butternut squash cubes
sesame ginger marinade
stir fry sauce
vegetable oil
brown rice

Drain the tofu between sheets of paper towel. Slice into cubes and coat the cubes in the marinade. Let sit for 30 minutes.
Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan over high heat. When the oil is hot add the tofu chunks and fry until the edges get crispy and golden brown. Remove the tofu from the pan and set aside.
Add the stir fry vegetables and butternut squash to the pan. Place a large lid over the top of the frying pan to help steam the vegetables.
When the vegetables are cooked pour some stir-fry sauce (approxamately 1/4 cup) over the veggies and mix in. add the tofu back into the pan to heat through.

serve over rice (i prefer brown rice and it even comes in instant if you're running really low on time!)

This serves 2 hungry people or 3 normal people and costs approximately $5.
6/20/2009 07:31:01 am

ddd, yum! mom


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