This Saturday I was fortunate enought to interview the owner of Cake and Art in West Hollywood.  The average life expectancy for a food establishment in West Hollywood is approxamately 16 months.  Cake and Art has been in its same location for over 30 years. They are a truly unique bakery and produce the types of cakes that no other bakery has replicated such as life size cars and the only cake to appear on the cover of Life magazing (August 1988 - check it out!)
Tom gave me lots of great advice about running a bakery.  What has worked, what hasn't, the importance of innovation and having a great quality product, but most importantly, loving your product not just liking it.  Running a business takes a lot of time and hard work and if you don't really love your product and believe in it, then you will be more prone to failure. 
While I was there, I picked up a red velvet cupcake for me and a chocolate peanutbutter cupcake for the mister.  I make it a point to taste every red velvet cupcake I come across and I have to say that this might be the best so far. The cake was moist and had a good cocoa flavor, but best of all it wasn't saturated with red color! It was absolutely delicious and had a delicious cream cheese frosting with red edible gliter sprinkled on top.  The mister let me have a bit of his and it was also delicious.  He promply asked me to find out how to make the peanutbutter frosting and make him a whole batch! 
If you end up in West Hollywood definetely go check out Cake and Art, grad a few cupcakes and check out their wall of celebrity cakes!  

8709 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069. Phone: (310)657-8694 

Jillian Cupcake

5/16/2009 08:16:43 am

Jillian, I'm showing off your website to Dena and all the pictures look so tasty and beautiful... :) num yummy!!!!


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