I have been moving apartments a lot lately and the wonderful boys at Sigma Alpha Mu helped me out by letting me store all my boxes in their house for a week (and carrying a few of those boxes themselves!). So to say thank you, I made them some devils food cupcakes with vanilla buttercream and their greek letters in their house color. 
I'm so glad the mister is living with such a great group of guys. I'm sure that having a house full of hungry boys right next door will encourage me to bake more and try new recipies. It's hard to bake things when you know you and your roomates can't possibly eat it all.  I'm sure they wont mind testing my experiments :)
Thank you Sima Alpha Mu! See you next week! (after moratorium and a girl is allowed back in the house)
8/25/2009 06:40:16 am



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